The NYUCI: Evidence-Based, Results-Oriented

Counselor FAQs

As a mental health provider, you are likely to be seeing more clients recently who are taking care of a relative with memory problems. Usually, the spouse/partner is providing most of the care, and he or she comes to your office depressed, anxious, and full of mixed feelings and confusion about the new role, and the changes in the relationship with the partner who now has dementia.

When you ask who is helping, you may be met with a blank stare or a cascade of wishes—“If only my children would pitch in or my siblings would lend a hand.” The NYUCI Caregiver Program is an evidence-based resource that will enable you to effectively respond to these clients and shift the trajectory of their caregiving journey toward positive outcomes.

Focus on caregivers

NYUCI training will alert you to such caregiver issues as having unrealistic expectations of family members; having difficulty asking for help; and expressing displaced anger onto the person with dementia. The training provides solutions for addressing these typical yet critical problems.

The NYUCI training program provides instruction and videos of clinicians conducting actual sessions with families, as well as peer supervisory sessions in which clinical options are explored; candid reactions to the work of peers are expressed; and  clinicians address their own concerns about doing this challenging work—all in the spirit of mutual support and intellectual curiosity.

Benefits to both

Studies have shown that caregivers who participate with their family members in the NYUCI experience less depression, improved physical health and better relationships with family members and often can keep the person with dementia out of a nursing home entirely, or for a year and a half longer than caregivers who receive routine care.

As a certified provider of the NYUCI, you will have a powerful clinical approach to caregiver support and the option to also complete training as an NYUCI telehealth counselor. As a telehealth provider, your profile will be available to caregivers seeking help in your area and anywhere in the state(s) in which you are licensed to practice. This source of referrals, along with the visibility provided by various promotional strategies, can help you to grow your practice and experience the satisfaction of providing evidence-based, results-oriented care.

Click here for details about the program and what to expect.

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